On Sunday 04 February we mad a special trip to Safari Select to obtain a replacement mate for Honey. There were hundreds of budgies available but female were extremely short on the ground. We saw one yellow and a couple of greens, but they were really lousy looking birds. Eventually we found what looked like a very young female.

As she has grown, the cere on the beak turned a pale blue, giving rise to the suspicion that there is a possibility that she was a he. We were able to confirm as she got a bit older, that she was in fact a female. Any doubts were also cleared up by Honey's reactions. He plays with his new mate and feeds Sunny, and that is what really matters.

As time has progressed, she has calmed down and lost her aggressive nature. We are now able to catch hold of her quite easliy and quickly when letting them out for "their time". If in the mood, she can nip quite hard and is capable of drawing blood if she really wants to. She enjoys her time out and is a very strong flier.

We will update this story as time goes with any new news.

There is not very much to Sunny's story at this time, so hope you will continue reading the stories of our other birds.


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Copyright © 2003 [Les Abnett, World Parrots]  All rights reserved.
Revised: October 17, 2003