Tobias had become very upset when we got Sweety as a mate for Cheeky, so on  Saturday 23 September 2000, we decided that the time had come to get a female African Grey, so that Tobias could once more have a mate.

A quick trip to our usual supplier, Safari Select, and we found they had loads of African Grey parrots, but only two females. We chose the nice large female "growler".  She was very pretty and looked like she would be a nice bird. She was caught and placed in the box while I paid for her. She cost twice the price she would have if we had bought a pair at the outset, because we were buying her separately. Couldn't be helped, we didn't want a female when we bought Tobias, but now needed one.

She will not go back into the cage, so needs to be caught in the towel and put back at bed time. She is not too keen on this sort of treatment, but does not create and growl now.

Making Friends

We put her in a cage next to Tobias and he showed signs of interest in her, so after a couple of days, let him out, and then her. She was very timid and allowed him to "walk all over" her. They seemed compatible, so we gave it a try with both in the same cage. There was no fighting, although Tobias was very dominant over her. She was, and still is, a very gentle bird. We noted that when she was on the cage top and other "bullies" approached her when they were out, she would just hold up her foot and push them back. They soon learned that she would not take bullying and also would not respond aggressively, so they stopped.

She is still very nervous, and does not respond to human friendship. I assume that this is because Tobias always bullies her when she does.

We have seriously been giving thought recently to taking her out of Tobias' cage and putting her in her own, as he does not allow her a life of her own. We would then allow them out together for flight. The only thing that prevents us doing that is the worry that he may start to feather pluck again, and we do not want that to happen.

She always bends down and makes a "GRAAK!" sound when trying to befriend her. Generally, Tobias bites her neck at this time to show his displeasure.

Our initial feeling that it may be mating season has not proved to be the case, as his attitude toward her has not changed at all in nine months.

Foods & Eating

Tobias is a GREEDY bird. He takes first, intermediate and final options for eating every time. To allow Tabatha a chance, we have had to place the seed bowl on one side of the cage and the fruit bowl on the opposite side. That way she at least gets a chance to have something that she wants. What he doesn't like, he throws on the floor of the cage. Tabatha has learned that, and if it is something she fancies, she will generally go down and grab it. The problem is that he is jealous and generally goes up to her and takes it away, only to throw it down straight away. She will not take food from any human hand. He will only allow her to eat once he has had his full, and sometimes then stops her from eating. We have kept a pretty close eye on things, and are happy that she is getting enough to eat.

Mimicry and talking

Tabatha has copied most of the sound Tobias makes, but does not make them at the same volume he does. She says a few words, and it is often difficult to tell whether it is her or Tobias talking.

She does not whistle as much as Tobias, and would probably prove to be a very good talker, given the opportunity.

Thanks you for reading the story of Tabatha. We will update this with any news when the occasion arises. Please do read the other stories of our birds.



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Copyright © 2003 [Les Abnett, World Parrots]  All rights reserved.
Revised: October 17, 2003